Training staff
What’s your organisation’s challenge?
Projuice helps companies and organisations professionalise their internal training process. It is the perfect match for your operational excellence initiatives. If you recognise any of the challenges below, or have a different training issue you are facing, don’t hesitate to contact us! We’d love to help out.
Read moreI want a tool that allows me to quickly and easily develop e-learnings and on-the-job trainings
All information regarding trainings and certifications in a single system

Projuice helps us train every employee to meet the same standards. The skills matrix provides direct insight into who has completed which trainings. This is also very useful for audits, because we now have a very easy way to demonstrate our employees' qualifications. What an improvement!

Since we started using Projuice, our employees' performance has improved considerably, and we are now able to safeguard and maintain their deployability. Scheduling training programmes has also become much more efficient. Thanks to the Projuice planning tool, all employees are automatically enrolled in the right programmes, and in the right order. This tool saves us so much time!

The training system is very practical and pragmatic. It's really easy to update training programmes to meet new standards. Moreover, Projuice's team is very familiar with the goings-on in our industry, thus ensuring a smooth, pleasant partnership.

Internal training
Projuice: the fuel you need for a successful internal training process
We will provide you with the tools to start offering your employees professional training, in house, digitally and on the job. And it doesn’t have to be complicated or take a lot of time – on the contrary! Clever solutions like an integrated planning tool and skills matrix will help make your training process more efficient than it has ever been.
De voordelen van Projuice
- Excellente prestaties van medewerkers
- Altijd inzichtelijk wie op welke werkplek inzetbaar is
- Skills van medewerkers automatisch in kaart
- Hogere productiviteit
- Ontwikkelprogramma voor iedere medewerker
- Betere naleving van veiligheids- en kwaliteitsnormen
- Hogere medewerkerstevredenheid
Unique possibilities
About Projuice Learning
Projuice helps companies and organisations professionalise their internal training process. It is the perfect match for your operational excellence initiatives.
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The perfect fit
Projuice in your industry
Chemical industry
When working with chemicals, you do not want to leave anything to chance. As such, it is essential that your employees know exactly what protocols are applicable, and to have insight into which employees are in possession of which knowledge. Projuice makes all of this possible!
Food industry
If there is any field where hygiene and personal safety and absolutely crucial, it is the food industry. Projuice enables your organisation to ensure full and lasting compliance with all HACCP and food safety requirements.
Global and local
Meet some of our clients