Develop e-learnings in the blink of an eye
Developing and editing your own e-learnings has never been easier
Projuice’s software enables you to get started on your own after a brief round of instructions. And while the process of developing an e-learning is super simple, the options are endless! Feature all desired content, simply by uploading the source files you already have. And use lots of different types of assignments to make the learning process more fun and varied.

Why organisations choose Projuice’s e-learnings
- Clear instructions and immediate feedback
- The option of assigning a trainer to monitor, help and assess employees
- Supervisors have real-time insight into employees’ progress
- Visual teaching style that is highly suitable for foreign-language speakers and visual learners
- Learn anywhere, anytime
- Automated reminders
- Automated re-enrolment when a new version is published or a certificate lapses
- Option of linking to skills matrix and planning tool
We will help you develop your e-learnings
We’ve made the process of developing e-learnings as easy as possible! Even so, we are also still happy to help out, such as by hosting a workshop, or even by taking the process of developing e-learnings off your hands entirely.